Saturday 13 November 2010

Belgium Food


  1. Belgium has been called a nation of gourmands rather than gourmets: a country, in other words, where "big cuisine" comes before "fine cuisine".
    Deep-fried chipped potatoes are a very popular food item – and one which the Belgians often claim to have invented.

  2. Food, Food,Food what a sight! Served properly, with lovely dressing of the food (the presentation), neatly laid out on the tables. I'm sure the taste of each food on each plate differ slightly from each other but all together as a whole make a delicious taste (my presumption). The looks of the food, brings MOO MAY PANEE AAGAYA -- bringing water into our mouth (longing to have a hearty meal).

    Among the laid out dishes, my favourite is prawns, which I like very much. For your information, Symphony, let me tell you by and large most of the Europeans (not only the Belgians) love deep-fried chipped potatoes, it is their popular food. They just love it.

    In India, we Indians eat deep-fried chipped potatoes only as SNACKS, but certainly not included in the meals. In south India specially in Chennai I have discovered people are very fond of potatoes chips but again eaten only as snacks.

    Comments are posted by Peter Pandhya Raj from India.
