Thursday 17 December 2009

Snow Fall


  1. This is the first snow fall I see in my life & it is the first snow fall of this winter in this year in Paris. I enjoyed it very much. Me & my friend Ching maka a SNOWMAN in front of our Lab. The layer of snow is approximately 2 inches.

  2. PETER wrote
    a poem on first snowfall in Symphonys life.


    When you were asleep, the snow came flying,
    In large white flakes falling on the town Orsay,
    Stealthily and perpetually settling and loosely lying,
    Hushing the latest traffic of the town Orsay.

    You went to bed in one kind of world and
    Woke up to find yourself in another quiet different,
    The whole world covered in white snow, delight for the eyes
    You were thrilled with joy, to play in the snow.

    The first fall of snow is not only an event,
    But it is a magical event, for you
    Because this is the first snowfall of your life,
    On a foreign soil but among friends and well-wishers.

  3. PETER wrote
    a poem about Snowman, made by Symphony and Ching.


    Snowman comes once in a year
    In winter of course, during Christmas,
    Standing outside, in the snow alone,
    Watching passers by smiling at him

    You wonder who made me, I presume,
    Twenty soft fingers, tirelessly busy at work,
    Yes you guessed, it was Symphony and Ching,
    Braving the cold winter, till the work finished.

    Here I stand, Christmas cap on my head,
    My nose little long, my eyes open,
    How smart I look, on the side-walk,
    Waiting for other Snowmen, for company.
